
This month, we finally gave in to your relentless requests to put Peter Watt’s Blindsight up for consideration…and our Patrons immediately voted for it in huge numbers. We’ve both read this book before, and Matt considers it to be one of his favorites, so things will be a bit different this time around…but we still think this is a book with a lot to say and a lot to discuss.

Here’s the summary from Amazon:

Two months have past since a myriad of alien objects clenched about the Earth, screaming as they burned. The heavens have been silent since―until a derelict space probe hears whispers from a distant comet. Something talks out there: but not to us. Who should we send to meet the alien, when the alien doesn’t want to meet?

Send a linguist with multiple-personality disorder and a biologist so spliced with machinery that he can’t feel his own flesh. Send a pacifist warrior and a vampire recalled from the grave by the voodoo of paleogenetics. Send a man with half his mind gone since childhood. Send them to the edge of the solar system, praying you can trust such freaks and monsters with the fate of a world. You fear they may be more alien than the thing they’ve been sent to find―but you’d give anything for that to be true, if you knew what was waiting for them. . . .

The live-streamed discussion of Blindsight will happen on Friday, May 25th at 9:30 PM Central Time over on our YouTube page.  Get the book and get reading! Peter Watts has made Blindsight available online for free. You can find it right here! But if you still want to purchase a physical bound copy through Amazon, we would appreciate it if you do so through our Amazon Affiliate Link. The book will cost exactly the same to you, but it will help support Daly Planet Productions!

We’re always open for more Book Club suggestions as well, so if you have a book you’d like us to cover, head on over to our handy Google Form and tell us what you want us to read. Fill it out once, twice or however often you want.

Happy Reading!

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