
This week we complete Arc 10 Polarize with chapters 10.y and 10.z. Chris gets stuck in a monstrous POV triangle and Aiden is stuck in the world’s worst love triangle. 

We’re completing 2018, our first full year of covering Ward, and 10 whole arcs of Ward content all at once. So 10 Arcs in, what is your favorite thing about Ward? What are you enjoying most? 

If you have any questions, comments or feedback feel free to reach out to us. Also, always make sure you check out the Parahumans Reddit thread: https://reddit.com/r/parahumans for lots of great Ward related discussion.S

Stay updated with We’ve Got Ward: @gotwormpod

Message us at gotwormpod@gmail.com

We’ve Got Ward Cover Image Art created by Lonsheep

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