
Our Patrons have voted and next month’s book club book will be the first book in Brandon Sanderson’s Stormlight Archive: The Way of Kings.

Here’s the summary:

 It has been centuries since the fall of the 10 consecrated orders known as the Knights Radiant, but their Shardblades and Shardplate remain: mystical swords and suits of armor that transform ordinary men into near-invincible warriors. Wars were fought for them, and won by them. One such war rages on the Shattered Plains. There, Kaladin has been reduced to slavery. In a war that makes no sense, where 10 armies fight separately against a single foe, he struggles to save his men and to fathom the leaders who consider them expendable.

Brightlord Dalinar Kholin commands one of those other armies. Like his brother, the late king, he is fascinated by an ancient text called The Way of Kings. Troubled by visions of ancient times and the Knights Radiant, he has begun to doubt his own sanity.

Across the ocean, an untried young woman named Shallan seeks to train under an eminent scholar and notorious heretic, Dalinar’s niece, Jasnah. Though she genuinely loves learning, Shallan’s motives are less than pure. As she plans a daring theft, her research for Jasnah hints at secrets of the Knights Radiant and the true cause of the war.

This one is going to be a little bit different than our normal book club books considering it is just over 1,000 pages long. To ensure we have maximum time to dive into this book fully, we’re going to break it apart and cover it in the next two consecutive book clubs. March’s book club will cover Part 1 and Part 2 (going to roughly page 450), April’s book club will cover til the end of the book.

The live-streamed discussion of part 1 of The Way of Kings will occur on Friday, March 27th at 9:30 PM Central Time over on our YouTube page. Get the book and get reading! If you’re going to purchase a physical copy through Amazon, we would appreciate it if you do so through our Amazon Affiliate link. The book will cost exactly the same to you, but it will help support Doof! Media.

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