
Once again, Brandon Sanderson has been narrowly defeated by our Book Clubbers in their Patreon poll! This month, the Sanderson beater is Shirley Jackson’s novel We Have Always Lived in the Castle.

Here’s the summary:

My name is Mary Katherine Blackwood. I am eighteen years old, and I live with my sister Constance. I have often thought that with any luck at all I could have been born a werewolf, because the two middle fingers on both my hands are the same length, but I have had to be content with what I had. I dislike washing myself, and dogs, and noise, I like my sister Constance, and Richard Plantagenet, and Amanita phalloides, the death-cap mushroom. Everyone else in my family is dead… .

The live-streamed discussion of We Have Always Lived in the Castle will occur Friday, June 24th at 9:30 PM Central Time over on our YouTube page. We’ll see you there!

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